So my two best friends and I started this group when I was like 12. We called ourselves
JEM. Which stands for Jamie Emily and Morgan. They are really two great people. Emily is a sweet but crazy girl...I can't wait until she turns 18
hahah. Morgan on the other hand is wild and crazy. Its a version of me but blond and tan. (Literally blond). Anyways, the thing is that I never thought from the beginning that I was ever gonna get so close to them, but we ended up as best friends and
that's all that matters. I feel like Emily has became a huge part of my life because I tell her everything that goes on and I look to her for good advice. Morgan has been
Incorporated into my heart the first year I moved to my dance studio and was on comp. It was an instant click. I turn to morgan for a shoulder to lean on or a good laugh. Well actually they both give some pretty dang good advice and are good with the laughing part and all that. I hope we will always be like this no matter where life takes us we will always be part of JEM!