Sunday, November 30, 2008

my best friends Birthday

Friday my best friend Ciara tured 15 years old. I planned to surprise her as she was out to dinner. SO me and my auntie Christine ( Ciara's mommy) were texting eachother all day. Finding out where she was at 24/7. I bought her the cutest cake. It was in the shape of a turtle and it was ice cream cake. I walked into Outback Steakhouse with lit candles and Started singing to her and everyone sang with me. It made her nigh just so special. I'm just so glad it worked out the way I planned it to. Man I love that girl.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Craziest day of my life? I don't know it wasn't that bad, but it was def. not as good as everyone claimed it to be. I seriously bought like a hundred dollars of stuff for 90$. Its like I woke up at 3:30 to get ten dollars off my whole purchase. My mom didn't get too many savings either, but Macy's was handing out lots of Craisins :) so good. I met up with Ms.Florence Koga :) nick and Kelsey. My Mom and my sister and I all had a great time with the 3 of them. Over all the experience, was unbeatable I'm never waking up that early if I only get 2 hours of sleep.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving was super fun.We all watched hancock as a family. Then we went to my uncles house and brought so much food. When we arrived you could not believe the food that was there prolly the most food I've seen for any year of Thanksgiving. I had a short but meaningful speech that I gave at dinner time to tell my parents just how much I appreciate them because sometimes I think I can take advantage of them but I don't mean to. Anyways happy thanksgiving to you all.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Excited :)

I'm gonna be on a bet for like 2 weeks. Starting like next week I will not wear makeup to perserve my face for dance season. If you haven't noticed when you dance there are some few things you have to give up. Nice skin, eyelashes, and upper body. That is why I am going to go through my yearly routine of rejuvenation to my face. Yes, this sounds really retarded but just think of how many wrinkles I will have when I get older if I wear too much make up now! I'm always thinking for the future but living for now because you never know what will end up happening in your future. That is why you live for the present and hope for the best in your future.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sat. grounding

Friday was so fun that my dad decided to ground my Saturday night plans & ME! I guess it's because I got home super late along time past curfew but how much earlier should I have gotten home if the dance already ended at midnight and after parties with the best friends always happen. I guess this grounding was good because I get something to blog about. I really want to watch twilight. Has anyone seen that how are your reviews of the movie ?  Anywho getting grounded always gives you that extra homework time you could never squeeze in before, but now I'll have a long 5 hours of doing homework.

The Lincoln Homecoming

I went to Lincoln's homecoming this weekend and had an amazing time. People at lincoln take homecoming a lot more seriously then the ones at Gunderson they spend days preparing on their hair and makeup and nails. Its different because their dance was boring in a way. It was Lincoln and San Jose highs and only half the people danced and the other half starred at you while you were asked to dance or dancing. Kinda Awkward, but thats not the boring part the boring part is that there was not too many guys who could step up and ask to dance. If someone was to ask it would be one of their friends asking for them and obviously no girl wants to dance with a shy boy who can't even ask for the dance so lots of girls were just sitting down. I think me and my friends were one of the only girls who when a guy never asked us to dance we danced with eachother. :) Long night time for bed.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm broke

Since my sister is in town this weekend, I am broke. I was treating her out to everything. On Sat. I took her to the mall and the movies. I spent 70 Dollars just on her, and I spent 40 on myself because I was buying new shoes. Its a horrible feeling to be broke, it took me forever to save that. I just hope when I go to long beach she treats me with as much as I treated her with. Overall, this weekend was fun. I watched The haunting of Molly Hartley amazing movies awkward ending. I also watched role models. It was probably one of the funniest movies right next to super bad. Mclovin' is such a great actor . 

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sisters :)

Me and My sister Melissa had a long weekend as she started from playing a trick on me and texting me telling me she was not coming home this weekend. When I finally stopped texting her about 5 min went by and she comes into the house surprising all of us. It was weird because I had no clue she was coming and I was sad and then she surprised me! Our friday started off with a long day of just on the computer listening to some "long Beach" music. Then when it was about 12 o'clock we had a long argument of where she was going to sleep because I took her bedroom when she left she doesn't have a anymore. She doesn't like the guest room so....... She decided to kick me out of my room! Crazy huh?? She is sick though so I couldn't go back in my room for the whole night and day !

My Competition

My competition went Fabulously! I won first grand Champion and I was in a double division. That means they don't have anyone in your age group so they judge you on the younger group and the older group and they take your scores against the older people. I went really great when they told me I won 1st place because there are 18 year olds and 17 year olds that I beat. I was extremely proud, but the person very proud was my mom because I have came so far and while I was on stage I saw her crying . :) I'm glad I did what I did this weekend. 

Sunday, November 9, 2008

cold Case

Is my favorite show. I watch it every sunday night. Tonight it is about a boy who gets killed but no one really knows what happens after about 15 years go by they reopen it as a Cold case. A case that hasn't been solved and no one knows what has really happened. Tonight it is on a young boy who loved science. He just wanted to fit in and in order to do that he builds a rocket so he can watch the launch with the cool kids in his grade . That night he dies. No one knows what happened to him except the 3 kids that were there. The detectives try to solve the mystery going to the people who were there.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Oak groves Homecoming

Was pretty boring compared to Gunderson's. It really was funny I told my date, "I'll dance when I hear a good song that I actually like." A whole hour went by until I finally liked a song and I finay danced. After three songs went by I was super sweaty. I hate when schools have dances in the gym because it gets so stuffy in there. Thats another reason why I liked gundersons dance better. I can't wait for Lincoln's Homecoming..... we'll see which school has the best dances. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

Chocolates Suck

I broke my phone. It wasn't broken in a way where I can't use it. It is working but I just can't charge it. I got in trouble and my mom wouldn't get me a new one. Now in order to charge my phone I have to put my battery into another Chocolate which takes me forever to get because my brother is always on his phone texting so I go through this just to charge it.  I can't get a different phone until January because I have a contract. But I'm hoping my warranty isn't up yet because I can't keep this phone for 2 more months thats just too much for me.

Monday, November 3, 2008

A BLog

This blog was seriously just off the top of my head. I wanted to get this off my chest. I'm a confused person. Not only confused but you can say I am also confusing. I like him but I still think I have feelings for the other him, but I don't want to like either. I want to restart but its like I et trapped in his eyes and I just can't help myself. I want to Dance but then I want to sing and play soccer and volleyball, but at the sam time I want to learn how to play the guitar. Can someone please help me decide what to do. So what do I do. Thank You. I hope this blogging really helps me clear up my thoughts.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Volleyball end of the year

It's come to an end of our season and its going to be a sad last two games for us, but hopefully we can win these next games because we can end in 4th or 3rd place. I feel that the team as developed a special bond that will make us always get along for the rest high school and lives. Volleyball is def. a sport that makes people use their brains and there is a lot of skill behind it. People think volleyball is a really easy sport but its really not. I think no sport is easy because if it was easy it wouldn't be a sport. But, Thank you Varsity for making me who I am this year you guys a really a great team you will always be a part of my life <333.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Friday Halloween

It was crazy and super unorganized. It started with a day at the mall with kelsey after school we went to go get lunch and it was really good. Mr. Thompson sang a really good version of Thriller but I think he got a sugar rush hahahah. Anyways Nick's house was weird but fun. After it started to Rain and we started tirck or treating with Mari and Sara after a while we met up with James and Krista and their squad. WE went to a foreign exchange French Party. It was funny to see French people rave. They reminded me of Mr. CastiƱeda. I stayed at Sara's until 1 in the morning then I went home. Fun and crazy day.