Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Lincoln Homecoming

I went to Lincoln's homecoming this weekend and had an amazing time. People at lincoln take homecoming a lot more seriously then the ones at Gunderson they spend days preparing on their hair and makeup and nails. Its different because their dance was boring in a way. It was Lincoln and San Jose highs and only half the people danced and the other half starred at you while you were asked to dance or dancing. Kinda Awkward, but thats not the boring part the boring part is that there was not too many guys who could step up and ask to dance. If someone was to ask it would be one of their friends asking for them and obviously no girl wants to dance with a shy boy who can't even ask for the dance so lots of girls were just sitting down. I think me and my friends were one of the only girls who when a guy never asked us to dance we danced with eachother. :) Long night time for bed.

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